Saturday, 30 January 2010

PARIS FOOD: Rose Bakery

Rose Bakery
46, rue des Martyrs 75000 IXème
30 rue Debelleyme, IIIeme

Rose Bakery

Far from French fiddily food and a mile from the classic Parisian brassiere, Rose Bakery is a unique (organic and ethical) gem that you’ll want to keep coming & coming to: breakfast, lunch and tea. This charming, welcoming, fun and utterly delicious concept is enlightening trendy Parisians on the simple pleasures of treats like carrot cake, date slice, savoury tarts, boiled eggs with marmite on toast and lunches rich in salads (rejoice if you find their beetroot & avocado) and the most perfect risotto in town. Always packed and always spot on, there are two to choose from. The first one near Montmartre is a little higgidly piggidly but bursting with life, while the second, in La Marais is more clean-lined with an industrial but a warm heart.
Whichever one you visit, watch out for the French eating cake with a glass of red and homesick Brits gulping down scones with tea. You’ll also find organic baked beans, cereals, nut butters, teas, apple juices, Lara bars, EmergenC, the freshest organic fruit and veg and the odd vegan or wheat free wonder-cake.

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